Long Feather is a cream brown striped cat introduced back to the wild as a young warrior. Long Feather takes its name from its tail or longer . He is the first to bring Cloud Fire ( apprentice name Star Fire ) because of its origins in the domestic cat and it will even fight with him ; during the fight, necklace Cloud Fire gives a sign that StarClan accept the young cat in the forest. A Long Feather ears is torn. It keeps resentment towards him , not because he beat him and tore an ear , but because he admired Tiger Claw (name Warrior Star Tiger) and that it was the rival Star Fire .

Long Feather became blind quest for The Star Fire , and his blindness forced him to give voice to become a warrior and former , although it is barely older etoile Fire . Long Feather is the male dean of the Clan, since it is the only living cat was done before warrior back to the wild. In Aurora , he wished to remain in the old forest because he felt it would be useless to the Clan , although etoile Fire eventually convince him that he had better hearing as well as the best smell Clan Thunder. In Sunset and Vision , we note that Long Feather shown great respect (not friendship ) to Firestar .
He was driven by Black Lightning and was the mentor of Cloud Agile ( until he died ) and Fleur de Bruyère ( after his former mentor , Lightning Black , became ban ) .
Long Feather is the son of Wing Rouge-Gorge and Pomme de Pin .
warrior cat names
Dust coat male is a dark mottled brown coat and amber eyes introduced back to the wild as an apprentice under the name Cloud Dust. He was still a young novice when Cloud Fire ( Apprentice Star Fire name) joined the Clan. He and Cloud Sand ( an apprentice name Sandstorm ) often intimidated , although it eventually stop throughout history. He became warrior in In fire and blood . Dust coat fond Sandstorm , but their relationship became strained when she fell in love with Heart of Fire ( Warrior name Star Fire ) and he felt rejected. Later, he became the companion Heather Flower . Originally an ally of Tiger Claw (name Warrior Star Tiger ) Coat Dust was horrified to learn that he had killed his mentor, Red Feather , and publicly rejected when Tiger Claw is been banished . Although often portrayed as a mischievous ally Star Fire , his loyalty to the Clan (as well as to the original domestic cat head ) is very important to him and it is considered that a brave warrior. Dust coat is a skilled fighter who appears in most of the fight scenes .
It is also a gentle and caring father . Having already lost three of his children, he is still very present in the lives of its four remaining son and that of his companion.
After the death of Red Feather , he became the apprentice Black Lightning . He is the son of Pelagius and Curly Wing Rouge-Gorge and the father of Little Tree ( dead ) , Small Laurier ( dead ) , Cloud Shrew ( death ) , Ash Wood , Paw Spider , Vulpecula and Small Frost . He was the mentor of Pelagius Granite , brother of his wife , and was also of cloud Squirrel, daughter of his old rival Star Fire.
Flower Heather
Flower Heather is a pearl gray cat with darker spots studded with pale green eyes introduced into the mysteries of the forest as a very young kitten ( although his name is not mentioned ) . She became an apprentice under the name Cloud Heather in Before the storm along with his brother Cloud Granite (name Apprentice Coat Granite ) . On the trail during the war , they were volunteers, despite their young age , to guide the pack of wild dogs to the throat of the ravine, to avenge their mother was killed by Star Tiger to give dogs taste the blood of a cat.
Heather flower is seen as a warm and loving queen, especially towards his companion Dust Coat and many small . Both kittens are her first litter Leg Spider (formerly Cloud Spider ) and cloud Shrew (the latter has been killed by a monster in Aurora while hunting by a ) . The three kittens are her second litter Petit Sapin, died in Moonlight, Small Laurier died in Aurora because of the cold and famine , and Ash Wood (formerly Little Ash and Ash Cloud ) . She seemed depressed by the result and lost his gaiety and his usual good humor , even with the comfort of Dust Coat . But when Little Ash , the last survivor of his reach, became an apprentice under the name Ash Cloud shortly after baptism Warrior Leg Spider , it seems to have regain its joie de vivre. Flower Erica helped Chipie to deal with its scope Hair Chestnut , while small would die .
She was the apprentice of Black Lightning until it is done and banish his mentor becomes Long Feather . Flower Heather 's sister " adoptive " of Snowflake , it was raised by his mother when he was White Feather reduced by Heart of Fire ( Warrior name Star Fire ) at Clan and sister a brother died very early. Parents Fleur de Bruyère were White Feather White and Tornado .
warrior cat names
Heart of Thorns is a brown spotted cat with golden amber eyes introduced into the mysteries of the forest as a young apprentice named Cloud Thorn . He remained an apprentice for the greater part of the original cycle with that Cloud Blanc ( White Heart apprentice name ) , Cloud Snow (name Apprentice Snowflake ) and Cloud Agile , due to the fact etoile Bleue no longer believed in any of his warriors, and saw no reason why she should appoint new traitors . When she died , Cloud of Thorns in a dark prophecy became the first warrior etoile Fire baptized , even if regretted not having been appointed his sister , White Heart , who had been disfigured , and Agile cloud , killed by a pack of dogs. In Aurora, Heart of Thorns was one of the cats came to rescue those who were prisoners of Biped . His apprentice Cloud Shrew was killed by a monster while hunting pheasant , which could feed the entire Clan large time of famine. His mother decided to stay in the old forest because she felt she was too old to make the journey to the promised land, and has since died of hunger .Personality Heart of Thorns is rather similar to that of his older brother, Hair Fern . It is a great fighter and is often chosen to participate in the fighting and patrols. Heart of Thorns is known to be kind , considerate and patient and to be a cat that has never been disloyal to his Clan. He was apprenticed to Hair Designs and had cloud Shrew and Coat Soot for novices. Heart of Thorns is the son of Pelagius Frost , brother of White Heart , Hair Fern and Ash Muzzle ( the last two being of an older scope ) and uncle Winged Cloud , daughter of White Heart .
warrior cat names
Hair fern is a male golden brown and a warrior of Clan Thunder introduced In fire and blood as a young apprentice named Cloud Fern driven by gray feather and sometimes Heart of Fire ( Warrior name Star Fire ) because his mentor was often absent when he went to join his companion Clan River , which he was unaware . He is the son of Pelagius Frost and brother Muzzle Ash , both driven by Grey Feather and Heart Fire until his sister becomes apprentice healer because of his broken leg . Becoming a warrior in the mysteries of the forest, Hair Fern became a series regular patrols and many battles that made him more or less famous in the original cycle.
Hair fern is a reserved and quiet cat, traits that strongly contrasts with the extravagant personality of his sister, until she became an apprentice healer. He knows always make the right decisions , and that makes him another " perfect character " similar to Star Fire. He is respected and loved by his Clan , being also an excellent fighter. In Aurora, when gray feather is imprisoned him and take off by Biped Foil Mouse and Pearl Rain suggested he take his place as lieutenant saying he was experienced , strong and had proven many times value warrior . We learn Starry Night he has feelings for Hair Chestnut .
Hair fern is the brother of Muzzle Ash , White Heart and Heart Thorn , the last two being of a younger range. He was the mentor of Coat d'Or before it will join the Clan Shadow and Winged Cloud , which proves to be his niece since she is the daughter of White Heart .
warrior cat names
White tornado was a large white cat with amber eyes introduced as a warrior of the Clan, and will remain so throughout the greater part of the original cycle. It is one of the few cats who have always supported Star Fire, treating it with kindness when he arrived in the Clan and often giving advice to face his problems. White tornado do not particularly like to fight, and is far from being a bloody cat, being rather quiet and thoughtful warrior.
As one of the most experienced Clan warriors , Storm White , however, has never wanted to be a chef and does a lot of young novices as well as ancient ; qualities that have earned him a respected and admired by all, even cats other Clans . He helped Heart of Fire ( Warrior name Star Fire ) to fulfill its role as a young lieutenant lorsqu'Étoile Blue fell into his depressive paranoia , including helping to organize patrols. White Tornado is one of the warriors nearest Blue Star ( being his nephew ) , ensuring constantly on her , especially when she was no longer in Before the Storm and on the warpath (something etoile Fire admired ) . Lorsqu'Étoile Fire became chief , he named the white cat as lieutenant. White tornado was later killed by Hulk , right arm Scourge , leader of a bloody Clan in a dark prophecy ; before dying, he asked to name Star Fire Lieutenant Grey Plume , what the leader said. White tornado was the companion of Flower Willow . Together, they had Coat Chestnut , Pearl and Clear Coat Soot . With White Feather, he had Coat Granite Flower and Heath . Parents were White Tornado Claw Thorns and Coat of Snow, Blue Star 's sister . He was the nephew of Blue Star .
warrior cat names

Leaf Moon is her best friend, Hair Chestnut always willing to help , even if it is to break into enemy territory , behavior that is slightly similar to what was the father of Cloud leaf, Star Fire, when he was younger with his best friend Grey Plume . In Aurora, when Cloud Leaf spent a lot of time with Jessie and Hair Chestnut seemed to be jealous , rebuking the domestic cat when it could. In Starry Night , Hair Chestnut Leaf Cloud accompanies looking for the Moonstone , which proved to be the Source of Moon. It is learned that Hair Fern is interested in her , reciprocal feelings. In Twilight , we learn she wears kittens latter and gives birth during the attack badgers. She took care of kittens with Sassy Flower Heather, when they were about to die.
It was driven by Sandstorm ( Cloud Chestnut ) and is the only daughter of Storm and White Flower Willow 's sister Pearl Rain Coat and Soot . She is the mother of Little Loir , Little Honey, Small Poppies and Little Ash and companion Hair Fern .
warrior cat names
Granite is a coat of pale gray cat with darker spots studded with dark blue eyes introduced into the mysteries of the forest as a very young kitten , although it is not identified by name until it became an apprentice under the name of Cloud Granite in Before the storm at the same time as her sister Heather Cloud ( an apprentice name Fleur de Bruyère) . On the trail during the war , they were volunteers, despite their young age , to guide the pack of wild dogs to the throat of the ravine, to avenge their mother, White Feather, who was killed by Star Tiger to give dogs taste the blood of a cat.
In Starry Night and Twilight , it seems he has feelings for Squirrel Hair . It is all the time with her and constantly protects unpleasant behavior Claw Bramble . It seems she enjoys his company , although a little unnerved by his protective behavior .
Granite coat is seen as a courageous young cat and respecting the code of the warrior. It is also the " adoptive" brother Snowflake and another dead cat early when he was a very young kitten . He has been the mentor of Twilight Ash Cloud .